Paddy and I are a sorry pair today! He has staged a full-on war against the flu virus, and if I sneeze once more, I will have to cut my nose off!
Not exactly an inspiring thought, so I thought I'd share with you an amazing experience we had on Friday evening. We were privileged enough to share an hour or two with Dr.John Demartini - what a guy! He also featured in the movie "The Secret", which, if you haven't seen, you should make sure you do soon! It's all about the Law of Attraction (no, not that kind!)... So I spent the day in my pajamas, paging through old magazines, cutting out, and putting together my "vision board", i.e. the things that I want in this lifetime, so that I can focus on those every day and not fall into the temptation to focus on what I do not want. Not in an "I want, I want" kind of way, but the things that I want to achieve, gain, grow in, etc.
I am pretty good at this already, except for the fact that I learnt that I need to be more specific! So, instead of saying that I want to one day publish a recipe book, I should say that I want my recipe books to hit the shelves by such-'n-such a date. See what I mean?
So now I have all my dreams, my vision, my goals and my aspirations on my board in full colour, all waiting to come true! I can't wait!!