I know that yesterday my blog was filled with praise for Cape Town and its beauty... Today I have a question though: Where did Capetonians get their driver's licences?! Eskom is causing complete havoc and mayhem - power outages spell no traffic lights, and this leads to utter chaos!
Here are some rules to take note of
- I will say this only once: When the lights are out, compliments Eskom, treat the traffic lights like you would a four way stop. If you don't know what that means, figure it out!
- Sharing is good - but not when it comes to traffic lanes. You stay in yours and I'll stay in mine!
- Indicators are to warn the rest of us when you want to turn (mostly in front of us), and not to keep the kids occupied while you are in the Kwikspar!
Although there are traffic rules, I always say that, when it comes to cooking, there are no rules! The rule is to have fun! However, there are sound guidelines that have been set by the masters that should be followed...