Some days it's really hard not to use this blog as a platform to bitch and moan about people's behaviour! Gosh! Where do people get off? I mean, why have the words "excuse me / pardon me / would you mind / may I" and more, disappeared from the list of essential vocabulary required to ensure normal, healthy interaction between human beings? Beats me!
As you can tell, yesterday was one of those days where I had to get out the way before some 'lady' (yeah, right!) bumped me to the side with her stainless steel trolley, or drove right over me with her SUV. Coming from the platteland where we were taught manners and to respect others, this remains a shock to the system! You'd think I'd be getting used to it by now... All I can say is that I am having a T-shirt printed that reads, "I survive shopping at Cape Town's BIG FIVE daily!" In case you're wondering, the Big Five are: Constantia Village / Cavendish Square / Tygervalley Centre / Canal Walk and the Garden Centre (although the last three are actually much more "user friendly!") Needless to say, I prefer to buy my produce from smaller companies that stock brilliant produce and who remember my name - it keeps me out of the line of fire!