A few Fridays ago I had a surprise visit from cyber-friends... It's amazing how well one can get to know people without ever having laid eyes on one another! I had a call from Barbara and Rob, ex-Capetonians who reside on Vancouver Island in Canada, on their latest visit to see the family. Barb is hooked on my Blog. It felt as if we had known one another for many years, and we enjoyed tartlets and coffee beside a blazing fire in our home, while catching up on life like old friends would. They arrived with a bottle of Canadian maple syrup, and I sent them home with quinoa and orders to report back... In fact, Barb just sent a pic of my chocolate gateau that has become a regular on their table.
Do you ever have a craving for something specific, and then, should you be so lucky to get just that, it is the most satisfying feeling! Well, as I am sitting here, that feeling has washed over me and I feel satisfied having had my fish cakes and my asparagus creation. On Saturday I was teaching the first of my three-week cookery course, and couldn't find Belgian endive for one of the starters - so I substituted asparagus, and am hooked! I will share it with you tomorrow... But now, this is me touching base. Chat again tomorrow.